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Take Charge
Health Seminars

A personal invitation to the community

Everyone, irrespective of background and lifestyle wants to be in good health. So, we're offering you an opportunity to learn about the causes of many lifestyle diseases and how natural products and remedies can help prevent these conditions.


Each Monday during the month of June we will be providing FREE health presentations at The Amani Centre, Quinney Crescent, Moss Side, Manchester M16 7DG. See details of the weekly presentations below. You deserve good health - so why not attend to learn how to take charge of your health...the answers are within your reach!


Monday 3rd June

Dismantling Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes is estimated to affect over 4 million people in the UK at present. This represents 6% of the UK population or 1 in every 16 people (diagnosed and undiagnosed).  Until recent times, there has been no known cure.  And yet many people are now beating diabetes. They are normalising their blood sugars, and removing their need for insulin. They are doing this by making better lifestyle choices.



Monday 10th June

Sidelining Stress

Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure. This pressure can come from different aspects of your day to day life. This may include an increased workload, an falling out with a family member or financial worries. You may find that it has a cumulative effect, with each stressor building on top of one another. But there is help. Studies have shown that eating healthily can reduce the risks of diet-related diseases including the issue of stress. 



Monday 17th June

Taking High Blood Pressure Hostage

How simple dietary and lifestyle changes (done in partnership with an individual’s GP) can reverse symptoms of high blood pressure. While we have seen an advancement of new drugs to lower blood pressure (many of which are life saving), studies have shown that simple dietary and lifestyle changes (done in partnership with an individual’s GP) can reverse symptoms of high blood pressure in a matter of weeks without drugs.



Monday 24th June

Natural Remedies - getting back to basics


A growing body of research shows that the inclusion of fruit and vegetables are critical to promoting good health. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and fibre that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Man-made, factory-made or any foods that have been highly sugared, salted or processed will be lacking of many of the nutrients and life-giving substances that are so essential to good health.


Your free downloads

We're providing details of the natural remedies demonstrated during the seminars.



And why not download a copy of the 'Take Charge of Your Health' seminar booklet which includes details of the 7 Day Challenge for you to continue your journey to good health.

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