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Moss Side Community SDA Church

There's a seat here, and it's got your name on it.


Moss Side Community Seventh-day Adventist Church (MSCSDA) is a charitable organisation devoted to making the world a better place through the application of the Word of God.  We believe we were born to reflect the image of God who is powerful enough to create our universe, attentive enough to hear our prayers and loving enough to offer an alternative to the difficulties and challenges the life brings. Because of that, we find our greatest fulfilment on a God-inspired journey toward purpose and wholeness.  Why not begin your own journey with us today.


We look forward to hearing from and seeing you!


Our Services

Our Services & Programmes

We have a range of weekly and fortnightly (Friday) services and programmes that we'd love you to come and experience. Come and listen and share our testimonies of the Gospel's transforming power particularly during these challenging times. Everyone is invited and welcomed!

Let's Study Together

Saturday 10:00 - 11:15am 

Join us for our weekly Bible study, which is an important part of the missionary work at MSCSDA - not only because it gives to both the young and old a knowledge of God's word, but because it awakens in them a love for Bible truths, and a desire to study the Bible for themselves. Above all, it teaches us all to regulate our lives by the teachings of the Word of God.

Food for the Soul

Saturday 11:30am - 1:30pm

We love to proclaim the story of the gospel of Jesus, and His transforming power that is available to everyone irrespective of who they are, where they've been and what they've done. Join us each Saturday morning for praise, for testimony and to learn more about  His plan for your life. We are confident that you'll find our worship a reinvigorating experience.

The Big Questions

Saturday 3:00 - 4:30pm

The purpose of our afternoon discussions (studies) is to apply a Biblical worldview to difficult moral and ethical issues. We are driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Come and join our discussions.

Let's Pray Together

Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30pm

Contrary to the opinion of some, prayer is the answer to every problem in life.  It puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly.  So often we do not pray in certain situations, because from our standpoint the outlook is hopeless. But, nothing is impossible with God. Join us and we'll pray with and for you.

Let's Reason Together

Friday 7:00 - 8:30pm

Each 1st and 3rd Friday of the month we come together to reason over matters currently taking place in our communities and wider world. We'll provide you with a Biblical perspective that stands to reason and offers answers to the questions you have.

Bible, Prophecy & Free Resources

Take a look inside.

Do you have a curious mind and want to understand how you can live at peace despite everything that's going on around you?  Why not have a read, watch and listen to the free information we've made available to you.

You'll be glad you did - guaranteed.


“Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

John 6:35

The Good News: Jesus tells that by dedicating yourself to Him, he will provide for you. Your spiritual needs will be fulfilled, as will some of your other tangible needs.



Ready to find out more?

We know you may have questions about many things happening in your personal life and in the world around you. Let us explore your questions with you - we're here to help. Click the 'I'd like some help ' box below, leave your contact details, and a member of the MSCSDA Core Team will respond to you shortly.

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